Coopers Fire are proud to have been shortlisted for the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) award for Best Installation Project for a fantastic collaborative effort with our Australian distributors Greene Fire.

Coopers Fire are proud to have been shortlisted for the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) award for Best Installation Project for a fantastic collaborative effort with our Australian distributors Greene Fire.
The ASFP Best Installation Project 2021 will be awarded to an ASFP member company who has undertaken the best installation project as agreed by the judging panel.
The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) is the UK’s leading trade association for the passive fire protection sector. It was formed in 1975 in recognition of a need to bring together passive fire protection manufacturers, contractors and testing/certification bodies to encourage, develop and give guidance on essential standards in passive fire protection and to support the activities of the fire industry in relation to all forms of ‘built in’ fire protection.
Coopers Fire worked in partnership with Greene Fire to provide a bespoke manufactured FireMaster Concertina fire curtain to ensure the curtain installed followed the complex design of the large atria that consists of two complex bubble shaped circular openings with an interconnecting walkway.
Installing a bespoke fire curtain in an atria such as this is a complex project. All of the Greene Fire installers are fully trained and experienced to deal with an installation such as this to ensure the end result is a subtle fire curtain whilst closed and a fire protected solution once the curtain has opened and fully deployed.
The installation of this large, bespoke engineered fire curtain illustrates the close working partnership and capabilities of both Coopers Fire and Greene Fire to provide a passive fire safety solution in a unique and complex building. Coopers Fire specialise in assisting our distributor partners and customers around the globe to ensure complex building designs be realised and satisfy local building regulations for fire safety.
The building itself has already won the following awards:
Read the full case study below: