Coopers Fire raised a phenomenal £450 for Sands: Stillbirth and neonatal death, by holding a dress down day and raffle at their Ignis House office.

Coopers Fire raised a phenomenal £450 for Sands: Stillbirth and neonatal death, by holding a dress down day and raffle at their Ignis House office.
Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK and over the past 40 years, has grown into a national charity. Sands has a powerful vision, to create a world where fewer babies die, shared by dedicated volunteers, fundraisers, members, donors, healthcare professionals, partners, staff and bereaved parents and families.
Sadly, the death of a baby is not rare. Every day in the UK around 14 babies die before, during or soon after birth. That means nearly every two hours a family is faced with the devastation of the death of their baby. This is unacceptable. So it’s shocking that a lack of dedicated bereavement rooms in hospitals means Mums and Dads have nowhere private to spend precious time with their baby before they have to say goodbye. Or that gaps in training for health professionals mean parents whose hopes and happiness have been shattered are sent home without a sensitive explanation about why their baby died. We still do not fully understand why many babies die, or what more can be done to prevent deaths.
For as many as one in four babies the cause of death is still not known. Research is vital to try and close the gap and provide more parents with the answers they so desperately want. Sands supports and promotes research to better understand the causes of baby deaths and save babies’ lives. The charity also raises awareness of baby loss and works with governments, key influencers and other stakeholders to make reducing the number of babies dying a priority nationally and locally.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the dress down day and raffle and special thanks must go to Elvis from Really awesome coffee and Giorgio’s Pizza for their donations to the raffle.
Well done all at Coopers!